Saturday 09/03/2013

In the morning we had Winterers training again. We learned
all we needed to know about food hygiene, so we are able to cook for other
people in the kitchen. We also strapped a stretcher to a sledge in case of an
emergency. Last but not least we were introduced to the BA (Breathing
Apparatus) kit so we can enter a smoky building and rescue casualties. Just
like diving, but upright and the cylinder valves on the bottom rather than on
the top. Bel and I searched for the casualties together which got filled with
artificial smoke doing a little BA kit dance (moving arm and legs holding onto
each other so we would not walk into anything and would not lose each other
either). The casualty hid underneath stuff, so he had to move that we could
actually find him! Fun morning was followed by a trip to Stork Bowl; an amazing
place for skiing which is outside the recreational area. Where else can one go
skiing with a view onto the sea! Best of all it was an absolutely dingel day
(BAS term for beautifully blue sky)! The trip ended with us tumbling down the
sides of Stork Bowl (on purpose and safely of course). The whole day was than
rounded off with a 70s themed evening (amazing food, good costumes, good music
and a drink or two).
Sunday 10/03/2013
View partially up Leonie
before it clouded over. |
Lagoon with the hut on the left
and Leonie in the background. |
Fortunately, the weather was dingel again and we left
early-ish for Leonie (one of the islands within the boating limit). One group
got dropped off on the snow slope side and walked up to the peak, whereas we
climbed the rocky side. The hardest bit for me was the sleety bit in the
beginning and on the top (I guess the slight hangover did not help either), but
climbing the actual pitches was amazing. By the time we got to the top, clouds
surrounded the summit and we weren’t actually able to see anything. However,
the way up was amazing, especially as the rock got warmed up by the sun and we
did not have to wear any gloves. Late afternoon, we got picked up again by the
boat and went to Lagoon (another small island with a hut on). 6 of us (Bel –
Marine Biologist, Mairi – former Marine Assistant, Tim – former Boating
Officer, Scott – former Field Assistant, Malcy – Field Assistant) stayed there
over night. We slept outside for the whole night. After searching for mites the
next morning, we returned to base.
Inside the hut. |