Saturday, 25 May 2013

Sun-down Ceremony (25/05/2013)

Who would have thought how quickly time runs by. It seems like yesterday that the ship left. However, the first round of winter trips is already over and we are heading strongly towards midwinter. It is a tradition to lower the flag every year when the sun is gone. Luckily we are not too far south, so even when the sun is gone, we will still have civil twilight for a couple of hours and it will only be for a couple of weeks. Officially, the sun is still rising above the horizon for another week or so, but the mountains prevent it from being seen by us. So we decided to take the flag down today. Traditionally, the most experienced member (ie the oldest) takes down the flag whilst the youngest puts the flag back up. Tonight a name will be drawn out of the hat to decide who is going to keep the old flag (fingers crossed!).
Issy (our chef) is lowering the flag.

There are penguins in this picture! We talked to them for a while.


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