Sunday, 28 July 2013

The sun is back!

Picture: Cheese
Picture: Cheese

You might remember my post about the sun disappearing. I would like to mention that we did not actually have complete darkness despite the sun being gone. We had at least a couple of hours of dusk/dawn each day. At midwinter we celebrated the shortest day of the year. From then onwards, the days could only get longer. The flag was taken down by the oldest member on base. However, putting the new flag back up and welcoming the sun is the task of the youngest on base. And that is me!!! We waited for quite a while until we were able to see the sun as
Picture: Mike
Picture: Mike
it was cloudy and bad weather for days. But finally, it was there (and hell, seeing shadows again is quite cool). We spotted the sun on a Sunday and went for it. I read out “Always look on the bright side of life” which luckily everyone joined in during the chorus. With my lovely little sunhat (yes, I know how silly it looks), I raised the flag which will fly there until it is taken down again next winter by the oldest member of the wintering team 2014.

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