Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Winter Trip No 2 - Wednesday

The bit in the middle is the
Barre Mangin Cole.
View from the top :)

Another late start to the day (I guess this time we had an excuse though). Last night it got down to minus 20 degrees! We had a lazy day in order to recover from yesterday (I was surprised that I was not as sore as I expected to be ...). However, Steve said it is important to get some exercise done (plus spending such a gorgeous day in the tent would be a shame), so we ended up walking up the Barre Mangin Col. This took about 45 to 60 minutes. Compared to yesterday it was absolutely freezing (cold in general and a wind that cooled one down). I was breathing out of my backside (new term I learned on the winter trip) on the way up, even though it was much shorter than yesterday. However, it was worth it. Once we got to the top we had a beautiful view of the east side of the island and nearly saw Rothera. The way back down was a walk on the beach compared to yesterday!

The pinnacle. (Photo: Steve)
Newish jerries filled with fuel.
(Photo: Steve)
Afterwards, we drove to the Sloman glacier. This is where Snow Ditte is, a quite common destinationfor trips. The glacier is full of crevasses. So in order to be able to start early tomorrow we put some tracks in we could follow. On the way we stopped by the pinnacle which is an easily recognisable rock feature where food and fuel is stored in case that fieldparties get stuck on this side of the island and need more than they have got with them. The depot has got old style manfood and dogfood as well as recent boxes with manfood and jerries wit fuel.

When we got to the Sloman glacier (named after the first scientist doing research on it) we had to double up the skidoos again in order to pull the sledge up the slope. On the way the sledge tripped over
Snow Ditte. Does not look half as
scarry on a picture than in real life.
which meant that we had to turn it back around. Easier said than done: we had to dig a trench on the downhill side and turn it on its back, dig another small trench in order to roll it upright. Afterwards, we had to lash it up again as the lashing had gotten lose. We than finally got to Snow Ditte and man, it looked scary (steepish and long). I was really not confident whether I could do it or not...

On scheds we talked to Tom (our Comms Manager) and had Steak & Ale pie with pasta for dinner (lots of calories to make sure we have enough energy for tomorrow). Early start tomorrow for Snow Ditte!

Icy eyelashes. (Photo: Steve)

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